We, the people of Community Baptist Church, believe that our congregation is called by God through Jesus Christ to be a community of faith---empowered by the Holy Spirit to live as witnesses and agents of God's love and justice in the church and in the world; vital in worship; dynamic in proclamation; effective in teaching; loving in fellowship; faithful in stewardship; and compassionate in service.
Worship Time
Sunday School: 10:00 am for adults from September - May
Sunday Worship: 11:00 am
Sunday School for young people - ages 2-12th grade during worship service
1st Sunday of each month is Communion Service.
2nd Sunday of each month there is a Potluck following the service.
Style of music in worship includes classic hymns and contemporary songs. Our worship services combine a variety of expressions and media based on a biblical message.
The Sunday morning sermon combines teaching rooted in scripture with contemporary illustrations and life applications. All messages are intended to develop dedicated followers of Christ.
What to expect
Our services include singing, prayer, the reading of scripture, preaching, and responding in our hearts to God's direction in our lives.
Is There A Place For My Kids?
During the worship service, staffed care is available in the nursery for infants - age 2 beginning at 10:55 AM through the conclusion of the service. Live audio from the worship service is transmitted to the nursery. Sunday School is available for young people from ages 2 - grade 12 during the worship service.